→ KNN3 network?

KNN3 network is a web3 topological graph network solution to discover in-depth relationships among multi-blockchain users.

Website - https://www.knn3.xyz/

👉 Workshop deck



→ Build with KNN3 Network?

If you are a web3 d/App builder, you can retrieve any web3 users’ relationships with KNN3 GraphQL API seamlessly.

KNN3 graph is constructed by a variety of user behavior connectors, these connectors interpret the in-depth relationships among web3 users. these relationships are fully backed by web3 users' live on-chain activities.


With the KNN3 Network Graph-live solution, YOU CAN

1) User relational data from live blockchain

2) Empowering web3 social algorithm d/App in user recommendation & social feedings

3) Relational analytical components for seamless BI query

You get the point, and build your own social d/App with KNN3 and your imagination!

HOW-TO (docs, start-kits, tools)

→ KNN3-MW GraphQL Docs(https://docs.knn3.xyz/graphql/)

→ KNN3 GraphQL endpoint (https://mw.graphql.knn3.xyz/)